In the old days, handwritten wills rose like zombies from the dead to wreak havoc upon loved ones left behind.  They still do, but today many “do-it-yourselfers” use someone else’s will or a form that they download online. They do this in an effort to save money or avoid what they see as the hassle…

Many developers struggle to find the resources to complete building projects.  One potential avenue for developers that is often overlooked is the use of historic tax credits.  The historic tax credit programs are a unique way for developers to obtain tax credits while simultaneously preserving historic resources for future generations. These historic tax credits programs…

What did Janay Palmer do to Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice after he punched her, knocking her out? She married him. That is rare. Usually divorce — not marriage — follows domestic violence. Rice’s recent notoriety and numerous other episodes surrounding athletes and celebrities highlight the breadth of family abuse. Virginia defines family abuse…

You look in the rear view mirror and see blue lights. Your stomach begins to knot and you hope he is not coming after you. As the police car closes in, you realize that you are the one it is after. What should you do? Here are some easy tips to follow to make your traffic…